Thursday, March 24, 2011

The past 2 weeks

Urghh with the girls and I both sick these past two weeks of been rough! Everyone made it out in pretty good amount of time with out any major problems thank god! I feel like I have me too babies back. When they were sick I didnt know whose they were I just knew they hadnt been the babies I've had for 6 months.  I'm just glad its over! Special thanks to my mom with out her here I would have been floundering. I'm just glad she didnt bag out with worried about getting sick on her own. So just another thing I could put under my accomplishments in twinhood next stop teeth? :/ So scary!  

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Boogies and 6 months!

This is week has been the hardest week since P&E were born. RSV a.k.a baby cold YUCK! First P now that shes feeling better now poor E has it! My I add I have it too urghh. So stressful thank god for my mom! Other then that were at 6 months sitting you with a little help. Eating baby food and and and starting to get up on there knees not all 4 yet but soon I feel like I will be getting more then my daily exercise in chasing these girls around!!!

When we reached 6 months I think I was more proud of my self then anything. I've survived 6 months without daddy and with 2 infants with out any total meltdowns. I'm thinking when they turn a year I'm going have them and a party and my self! Honestly when they were newborns and other twin mommies would tell me it gets easier I promise. I thought they were lying to just get my through but now I see it really it does get better! On a different note starting to get excited about hubby coming home. April is going to be a busy month May its back to GA to get ready and then its june yesss june couldnt come fast enough!