Sunday, February 27, 2011

5 months

The baby girls are finally 5 months. They have discovered their feet. That they can talk/yell! They reach for you roll from belly to back.  Seems like in the last month they've learned everything so quick and its crazy its already been 5 months since these sweet 5 lb angles came into this world. 5 months of very very little sleep.  2,400 bottles made endless diapers changed 6 sets of shots and one very very exhausted momma! I wouldn't trade them for anything because the giggles and babbles make the 5 am feedings a little bit pleasant. It does get easier the light at the end of the tunnel that I couldn't see 4 months ago is starting to appear brighter and brighter everyday. Now I am more then comfortable to go visit people alone with them go out period with them be my self to a singleton mom this may seem trivial to a mom of multiples this is huge! Teething has also begun at full force coming at us fast scaryyyy! 2 cranky babies make for a even crankier mommy! On a lighter note 3/4 of the way though this deployment and I can finally visualize the end and its near every day is closer I keep telling my self. Thats pretty much it all for now. I need to start writing more again!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

A fairy was born and an angel went home!

Its been sooo long so lets catch up

I Loveeeeeeeee hearing the girls laugh. I want to cry and laugh at the same time. They seriously are the most amazing thing I've ever known and they're mine. Such happy happy babies. They're starting to interact more with daddy on skype they adore him I swear Its going to be all bad for me when he gets home already daddies girls...thats okay! I cant imagine my life with out these 3.

Well vacation was amazing. I loved having family and close friends met the girls for the first time. It was a very fun time so didnt want to come home!

While I was away I learned a distant friend was taking to early and in a horrific way. When someone your age and a person you know is taken so young it shows you life owes you nothing and tomorrow is never promised. The only peace I feel about the whole terrible situation is she's in a better place. R.I.P. Lisa.

Other then that lifes pretty great. Kicking deployments ass and raising my babies.