Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I'm a stay at home mom so I do nothing all day?

Today I was told by essentially a complete stranger that I sit around all day and do nothing. honestly this lady knows I make tutus, that I'm a stay at home mother and my name THAT IS IT. First let me say I respect single and teenage mother to the fullest extent. I may have had my families help but I know how it feels to be both mom and dad emotional maybe not financially. The strength these women have is commendable, BUT on that note this blog could get offensive and I don't mean this directly to anyone. Just because my mom decided for me when I got in a serious relationship with Corey that maybe I should have something protecting myself birth control wise. I THANK MY MOTHER FOR DOING THIS! She taught me that it was a serious situation to have a child as a teenager and that my life would be so hard if I did. I was very responsible. Am I'm supposed to apologize for the fact that I was married and made sure my husband had a great job before I had kids. I'm not! I don't sit on my butt all day watching tv and eating ho ho's. I actually have 2 little girls to take care of. I'm very lucky that I get to stay home and raise them VERY lucky. I know that being a stay at home mom is not a right but a privilege that I have. We get no state assistance if that is what this lady thinks. My husband works very hard for what we have. Yes I make tutus and wreaths but thats my money that almost always is spent on my girls. So for those ignorant people who think that I stay home and to nothing I'll tell you how my day goes.

8am: Girls wake me up. diaper changes, get them dressed and breakfast made. By that time its
9am: brush all our teeth The girls play and by play I mean they are fighting about some toy
10am: melt down hour until their 11am nap try to get some laundry thrown in or dishes done.
11am: YES nap I finally get to eat. hopefully a shower more cleaning
1pm: They're awake lunch playing diaper changes until at 3
3-5pm: another nap, laundry, cleaning and dinner done
6pm:clean up from dinner
8-9pm play time and I actually play and teach my children things I am not a lazy parent. bed time.
 Then I clean up all the toys just for them to drag them out the next morning!

Lets not forget I'm a wife to so in this mix I have to find time to spend with my husband. I do this every single day of the week I don't get time off and if I do my husband calls me about 10000 times. I also run a small business at home. So before you judge use your brain.I probably work harder then most the only difference is that I do it I do it in the comfort of my own home and my reward is watching my children grow.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Take me...............HOME!

Where fall exist and my family is. I miss home sooo much ESP. right now. I want my best friends I want to see them everyday. I want to go to the apple orchard I want to take P&E to the park with keely. I want ohio to be closer to GA I want to get in the car and go visit for the weekend I want I want I want! I'm in such a fowl mood tonight. I'm irritated and upset! I feel like I'm here and and everyone is living their life and time is on pause for me. I dont understand why I am feeling this way I just had a great week with my parents and had an amazing 1st birthday with some family and lots of friends but I couldnt help be think Coreys parents should be here my aunts, uncles and cousins should be here whats a birthday party when you dont have 15 twigg babies running around. I'm so upset that for the 1st time I cant be home when my cousin courtny is and that I wont be home until Christmas. Urghhhh tomorrow I'll probably be fine but today I'm pissed and I cant sleep which is even more irritating! 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Long time no.....BLOG

It's been 5 months since my last blog. Now I sit a week away from the girls turning 1. It's very bitter sweet to me. It was a hard year and I gained a lot of life experience along the way! It's mind boggling to me that I survived I SURVIVED. at time I didn't think I would and I still have those time but know now I will truck through doing what I have to. Honestly I could not have made it with out my mom and dad!Before the twins even came my mom took me to dr's offices 3 times a week and usually at least 1 late night trip to the hospital a week. When Corey went back to Iraq when the girls we're 14 days old my parents did all the could to try and fill his shoe. Helping with night time feedings, making bottles and changing diaper yes people my dad did all these things too. Sometimes I feel like I had it easier because corey was deployed I never would have had the help of an entire family ready to step up when ever needed! I still don't ever think there is a way to repay them! My friends didn't bail on me because my "life" was over my true best friends embraced my new life as a mommy to twins. My best friends did all they could I remember Taylor and Erin shaving my legs for me at 34 weeks still grateful for that! I could almost expect to see Taylor or keely 5-6 times a week. P&E are like their daughters they've been and will always be such a big part of their lives. I am sad that everyone who grew so close to them while we were home can not be in GA to celebrate their 1st birthday as I would love. I'm grateful for ALL the people who went out of their way for us my family,friend and coreys family! Their is are so much more I could thank people for but I will keep it simple!

The girls are thriving almost one year olds. Walking, talking exploring a.k.a. Getting in to everything. Making my life my entertaining and hectic everyday. Watching their minds work when they discover something new is amazing to me. I wonder what they think when they see something for the first time or better yet when they taste something for the first time. I love to make conversations up for the what I think they are saying to each other when they are talking. It would be awesome to be able to read their minds or have a translator lol! That's all for this post but I will surely be post more often again now that I have hubby home and the maddness of reintegrating our lives back together is over!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Thanks but NO THANKS

So annoyed with people who think they can raise your kids better then you because you know they did/do such a stellar job with the ones they have.

 Lets start at the beginning. P&E's 6 month appointment was yesterday. A little late but we waited until they were fully recovered from the RSV before I wanted them to get shots. My dad had mentioned to me that Ella never tilts her head to look up she just throws her entire body back or when she does her eyes roll and shes looks like shes in pain. I mentioned this to the Dr and showed her and she was slightly concerned and said she needs physical therapy and that would probably be it. Me as a mother of course I'm going to worry isn't that apart of the job! but I truly believe its just a stiff neck she is my baby A she was head down in my pelvic for 16 weeks with her weight and some of her sister on her in the womb. So yes I'm concerned but I know thats just it.

I get a phone call last night from a family member giving her advice...oh yeah here we go another let me tell you how to raise your kids know it all. This person with out asking for details about the situation with Ella address it head on. She tells me Ella is just a lazy baby like Corey is now. Okay really I understand hes in Iraq but why is every trait personality and look wise come from Corey. I find it quite funny that they are starting to look like me what will they do now!! Secondly he's not lazy yes on his days off less motivated but not lazy. Lastly it takes more for her to throw her self back them to tilt her head back use your brain. Then here is the kicker she tells me I don't hold them enough WHAT! I'm a flipping mom of twin I only have 2 arms yes I can and do hold them both at once but who wants to do that. Also there is enough hands in this house they are held plenty. I am quite proud of the fact that I can sit my 6 month olds in their bumbo's with their basket of toys and they can play until they're ready for a nap. I tried sooooo hard not to have spoiled babies. So if I'm a "bad mom" because I dont hold them all the time or hold them to put them to sleep like you would like so be it. I can lay them in their beds at nap and bed time and they go right to sleep thats an accomplishment to me. So thanks for your advice but I dont need it you see your 6 hours you spend with them a week to my every second of every day doesnt give you the right to tell me what I should and shouldnt be doing with COREY AND I's kids. We're the parents and we make every parenting decision together!

End rant lol :D

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The past 2 weeks

Urghh with the girls and I both sick these past two weeks of been rough! Everyone made it out in pretty good amount of time with out any major problems thank god! I feel like I have me too babies back. When they were sick I didnt know whose they were I just knew they hadnt been the babies I've had for 6 months.  I'm just glad its over! Special thanks to my mom with out her here I would have been floundering. I'm just glad she didnt bag out with worried about getting sick on her own. So just another thing I could put under my accomplishments in twinhood next stop teeth? :/ So scary!  

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Boogies and 6 months!

This is week has been the hardest week since P&E were born. RSV a.k.a baby cold YUCK! First P now that shes feeling better now poor E has it! My I add I have it too urghh. So stressful thank god for my mom! Other then that were at 6 months sitting you with a little help. Eating baby food and and and starting to get up on there knees not all 4 yet but soon I feel like I will be getting more then my daily exercise in chasing these girls around!!!

When we reached 6 months I think I was more proud of my self then anything. I've survived 6 months without daddy and with 2 infants with out any total meltdowns. I'm thinking when they turn a year I'm going have them and a party and my self! Honestly when they were newborns and other twin mommies would tell me it gets easier I promise. I thought they were lying to just get my through but now I see it really it does get better! On a different note starting to get excited about hubby coming home. April is going to be a busy month May its back to GA to get ready and then its june yesss june couldnt come fast enough!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

5 months

The baby girls are finally 5 months. They have discovered their feet. That they can talk/yell! They reach for you roll from belly to back.  Seems like in the last month they've learned everything so quick and its crazy its already been 5 months since these sweet 5 lb angles came into this world. 5 months of very very little sleep.  2,400 bottles made endless diapers changed 6 sets of shots and one very very exhausted momma! I wouldn't trade them for anything because the giggles and babbles make the 5 am feedings a little bit pleasant. It does get easier the light at the end of the tunnel that I couldn't see 4 months ago is starting to appear brighter and brighter everyday. Now I am more then comfortable to go visit people alone with them go out period with them be my self to a singleton mom this may seem trivial to a mom of multiples this is huge! Teething has also begun at full force coming at us fast scaryyyy! 2 cranky babies make for a even crankier mommy! On a lighter note 3/4 of the way though this deployment and I can finally visualize the end and its near every day is closer I keep telling my self. Thats pretty much it all for now. I need to start writing more again!